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Shane Adair

Mortgage Professional

I have been proudly serving Winnipeg homeowners and buyers with their mortgage financing needs. A licensed mortgage salesperson with the Manitoba Securities Commission (MSC) and an active member of the Mortgage Professional Canada (MPC). I am committed to serve clients with integrity and a code of ethics. 

As a Mortgage Professional, I work for you - making sure you get the best mortgage interest rate and mortgage terms you qualify for. I aspire to make the mortgage experience simple and carefree.

Please feel free to call us any time.


Shane Adair

मैनिटोबा कार्यालय

1194 जेफरसन Ave, विन्निपेग, एमबी R2P 0C7
फ़ोन: 204-291-9485 ईमेल:


अल्बर्टा कार्यालय

यूनिट 2260, 4310 104 Ave NE, कैलगरी AB T3N 1W2

फ़ोन: 403-966-1405 ईमेल:

वर्तमान पाने के लिए हमारी मेलिंग सूची में शामिल हों गिरवी रखने का भाव

सब्सक्राइब करने के लिए धन्यवाद!

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